Thursday, November 19, 2009

Week 11 Sci-Fi and Fantasy

Here are my selections:

The Time Traveler’s Wife

Audrey Niffenegger

Henry DeTamble time travels between the past and the future and discovers his true love Clair who becomes his anchor.

High School Library

I chose this book, as I liked how Niffenegger alternates between Clair and Henry’s point of view. The movie previews also captured my attention.

Pendragon: Book Eight The Pilgrims of Rayne

D.J. MacHale

Bobby Pendragon is a time traveler who goes to different worlds to save the universe.

Middle School Library

The entire series caught my attention in the library. I chose one book to browse. It is interesting how MacHale writes it as a journal from Bobby Pendragon’s point of view to points of view from other characters in the story.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter takes part in the rare Triwizard Tournament where he learns the reason he was placed there was to put the world in danger.

Middle School Library

I chose this book due to its popularity as a book and movie.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting difference in you picks! I don't know that I would classify TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE as YA, although Claire is young when it starts. But I absolutely adored that book. I sometimes go back into the fiction section and read the first chapter when I need a little cheering up. 3
